Council Bluffs Kennel Club Membership Application

Guidelines For Application For Membership in the Council Bluffs Kennel Club (CBKC)

The applicant(s) shall complete and sign the Council Bluffs Kennel Club Member Application. Please provide as much information as he/she deems necessary for consideration and approval of CBKC membership.

Please understand that information submitted may require further explanation at a later time.

The Council Bluffs Kennel Club Sponsors are required to sign the application as well. The CBKC sponsors should do so with the understanding that he/she may be requested to provide further information about the applicant(s) at a later time.

Council Bluffs Kennel Club Membership Application Process

The CBKC Applicant(s) application is submitted to the CBKC Secretary at or before a General Membership meeting of the CBKC prior to the reading of applications for CBKC Membership. This done in the presence of the applicant(s) and one or both of the Sponsors. The application will be read and the Sponsor(s) will be asked in introduce the Applicant and inform the CBKC General Membership what the Sponsor knows about the Applicant(s). The CBKC application is read at the CBKC Membership General Meeting. The CBKC application is then reviewed by the CBKC Board of Directors at the CBKC Board of Directors meeting following the first CBKC General Meeting where it was originally read*.

The Board should then present the Application to the CBKC General Membership at the following CBKC General Membership meeting any recommendations (with regard to any submitted objections). Upon acceptance by the CBKC General Membership, the Applicant(s) becomes a regular CBKC Member of the Council Bluffs Kennel Club with all voting rights.

*Should any CBKC member in good standing, have an objection to the membership of the Applicant(s), that member has a right to file, in writing with the Secretary prior to the CBKC Board of Director’s meeting following the CBKC General Membership where first read, their objection to the Applicant(s).